Programs and Projects
B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation works in many ways to advocate for our naturist culture on the beaches.
We work to present the naturist message to government, community and business leaders. We've also implemented Haulover Beach improvements like the beachside showers, beach wheelchairs and tiki huts (chickee huts) and sponsored events like the 2010 Nude Year Festival, the Guinness World Record™ Skinny-dip to educational summits and weekend retreats for naturists; continuing educational credits for lawyers and workshops for government officials and tourism and hospitality leaders.
Beach - Haulover Beach in Miami Florida
Established by South Florida Free Beaches (SFFB) in 1991, Haulover's naturist beach area is one of the most popular clothing-optional beaches in the USA. Please confine clothing-optional use to the north area of the beach as indicated by the signs on the beach.
Education - Nudist education
South Florida Free Beaches has some great education information about naturism.
Check out this video from the naturist society.
Advocacy - For Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) beach access.
For naturist beaches with government and business. People with physical disabilities should be able to enjoy our public beaches. B.E.A.C.H.E.S makes it happen. Learn more here about what we do to help persons with disabilities enjoy the beach.
Advocacy for more clothing-optional beaches
Our efforts to provide the public and our community partners with current examples of visitor and economic impact statistics as well as legislative initiatives that support clothing-optional use of public lands elsewhere have resulted in securing designated popular clothing-optional sections on Florida’s public beaches. B.E.A.C.H.E.S. has a distinguished history of success with its winning plans, strategies and solutions.
Here's more good news with B.E.A.C.H.E.S. latest and best tool for establishing more clothing-optional beaches in Florida or most anywhere. We encourage every skinny-dipper, naturist/nudist to share this video far and wide. It was specially designed for educating elected officials and the hospitality industry about the documented benefits of establishing and supporting clothing-optional beaches throughout the state. Enjoy!
Tampa Bay Free Beaches 2020 video. Note: TBFB is a member of B.E.A.C.H.E.S.' Free Beach UNITY Coalition.
Advocacy for parents’ rights to safe family clothes-free naturism B.E.A.C.H.E.S. honors the wisdom and right of parents and their children to grow-up in body positive social environments that are at safe, well-managed public and private locations.
Culture - Ambassadors
The informal start of the Beach Ambassador Program came in 1991 when South Florida Free Beaches established the naturist (clothing-optional) beach at Haulover Park. In 1997, then District 105 Florida State Representative Sally Heyman proposed the program be formalized. At that time the Beach Ambassadors adopted the distinctive turquoise safari hats with an orange band.
Today the Beach Ambassador Program is part of B.E.A.C.H.E.S.’ Program Partnership agreement. Beach Ambassadors receive training from police in Citizen Crime Watch and function additionally as a naturist beach concierge service.
To volunteer to be a beach ambasador contact us! (305) 318-8821 - exdirbeaches@icloud.com
Watch the 7 part short series training video for beach ambasadors.
Health - Nudism has health benifits
1. Promote a healthy body image. Naturists accept people as they are, which creates a culture of diversity and acceptance as opposed to comparing all bodies to glamorized, skinny models.
2. The feeling of being free and uninhibited by clothing and status requirements is mentally freeing.
3. Vitamin D from the sun all over your body is good for your physical and mental health.
Environment - Nature
Beach Ambassadors pride themselves on protection of the beach and the natural physical environment. They work with county and state environmentalists doing beach clean-ups and fix-ups, protecting nesting turtles and plantings, protecting the dunes and teaching others how to respect the beach. The Naturist culture instills a deep respect for the environment. Naturists are known worldwide for aggressively working to keep clothing-optional beaches clean.
Safety - Assisting government authorities and beach patrons to protect, serve and provide.
In cooperation with South Florida Free Beaches, we have advocated for beach improvements, and our Beach Ambassadors work with law enforcement, lifeguards, park management and patrons to maintain the safe, civilized atmosphere of Haulover Beach.
Check out the beach ambassadors manual to learn about what they do.
In keeping with B.E.A.C.H.E.S.’ formal name (Beach Education Advocates for Culture, Health, Environment and Safety) and mission, there are four long term projects we are planning that are based on the observed needs to improve the standing of both the free beach movement and organized nude recreation. We will be seeking economic support through fundraising programs, grants from private foundations and government, and professional support from known naturists with skills in the areas needed. These are major projects that will take between 6 months to 3 years to complete.
In order for projects to be completed in a timely manner, we are seeking to hire up to two grant writers for one year including expenses. Each will be given only one or two areas to pursue so they will become highly proficient at locating the best funding sources for the respective subject projects. $27,000.
B.E.A.C.H.E.S. contracted with government affairs professional, Ramon Maury and attorney Jeff Kottkamp, former Lt. Governor of Florida, to guide us in this legislative process for reclaiming the three most popular clothing optional beaches at state beach parks in Florida. Phase III, Turnkey Free Beaches is a public-private partnership for co-managing between nonprofit free beach organization(s) and the governing management agency for establishing new and existing designated clothing-optional beach sites. $67,200.
The Beach Buzz, is an educational print and on-line publication for visitors at existing clothing optional beaches, mentored by naturist “friends of” groups. It will be about clothes free recreation and related political, legal, business, cultural, health and travel topics. The Beach Buzz will be distributed for free at clothing optional beaches and an e-version with a paid subscription. All Chapters of B.E.A.C.H.E.S. will have assigned space for their local information and paid advertisers. The first distribution locations will be in Florida at Blind Creek Beach and Haulover Beach, followed by Playalinda Beach and Apollo Beach by year end. The Beach Buzz will be offered to Southern California Naturists at Bates Beach, in New Jersey at Gunnison Beach at Sandy Hook National Seashore, and in Canada at Wreck Beach (Vancouver) and Hanlan’s Beach (Toronto). The projected release of the Beach Buzz is the first quarter of 2020. $13,000 per issue.
B.E.A.C.H.E.S is seeking a stand-alone building or large leased space near Haulover Beach for a combination naturist library, museum and organization office space which will allow the general public, government officials and the millions of skinny dippers who visit Haulover Beach to research and experience the rich history through articles, documents, nude art forms and photographs. It will also be the administrative office for B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation and South Florida Free Beaches. Organized naturist/nudists have a long and fascinating history throughout North America and it continues. There are four excellent libraries devoted to nude recreation around the country for “those in the know” to use and learn. All but one of these libraries are located behind the walls of nudist clubs. As nice as they are, virtually no one outside of a limited number of dues paying/card carrying members of The Naturist Society and the American Association for Nude Recreation knows where these libraries are located. With the exception of the Naturist Education Foundation Library in Oshkosh Wisconsin, in order to make use of these libraries, one must be a naturist to go inside these clubs or get special permission to enter the property. Lastly, these libraries are not promoted to the general public, schools of higher learning or government. In order for clothes-free recreation to gain acceptance and naturist/nudists to achieve the respect it deserves, promoting this bit of untold Americana history to the public should be a staple of any nude recreation entity’s marketing and public relations plan. Cost to be determined.
Your tax-deductible donation for any or all of these very worthy projects is requested and appreciated. Thank you in advance for your consideration.