Take Action
Your donation allows us to continue our legislative efforts and lobby to reverse the blanket anti-nudity "Rule" from the mid-1980s that closed historic clothing-optional beaches on state parks.
Become a
Beach Ambassador
Naturists have lost hundreds of nude beaches around the country because there was no organized naturist 'friends of' group with beach ambassadors to monitor and educate users so the beach doesn't deteriorate to the lowest common denominator. A few other free beach naturist groups have adopted this program for their beaches and it is what B.E.A.C.H.E.S. has been charged with spreading throughout North America
Spread the Word
Tell your friends and family about these threatened places. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself.
Beaches that Need Your Help
Around the world, volunteers work hard to establish clothing optional beaches or resist having them shut down. Sometimes, all they need is a little help from people like you, whether it is simply to spread the word, a few hours of your time, or just a bit more financial support.
To the right, we will list a few of these organization. Maybe you see one near you or one that you would like to visit. Even if you may never go there, making clothing optional beaches more common and accepted will influence the success of other beaches near you.
Little Beach, Hawaii
Friends of Little Beach (FoLB) in Hawaii is under threat of closure. They recently incorporated, working to become a 501(c) (3). Membership is free but they are asking for a donations to help put up culturally respectful signage to protect the beach.
Click here for more information.