Haulover Beach Park Access for Persons with Disabilities
On March 22nd, 2011, we received the following response via email:
Ms. Mason,
I appreciate you including the Commission on Disability Issues (CODI) to foster the support from the community of persons with disabilities and the Miami-Dade County Commissioners with the B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Program.
On behalf of CODI, B.E.A.C.H.E.S. will now have the support of CODI to secure your goals.
Thank You, Ernie Martinez, Chair of CODI
ADA Parking Beachside: Just south of the naturist beach, two small handicapped lots are available located just to the north and south of the Lifeguard Ocean Rescue Headquarters (lighthouse tower building). This lot fills to capacity early on weekends. Additional spaces are beachside in the lot one mile south of the naturist beach.
ADA Parking Bayside: Handicapped spaces are available in the parking lots throughout the park across the street from the beach. Fortunately, through years of SFFB and B.E.A.C.H.E.S. urging management of Miami-Dade County Parks and Open Spaces and threats of a federal lawsuit for noncompliance of the American Disability Act, we were able to get a couple dozen handicapped parking spaces in the lot directly across the street from the clothing-optional beach and a beautifully landscaped ramp built at the north pedestrian tunnel replacing the stairs to the beach which made it problematic for persons without additional assistance.
Beach wheelchairs available: Beach wheelchairs of several designs are now available for free use by those with disabilities. The chairs are available at the Ocean Rescue headquarters just south of the naturist beach area and may be reserved by calling Ocean Rescue at 786-336-6990.
— NOW AVAILABLE — Reserve a beach wheelchair by calling Ocean Rescue at 786-336-6990
B.E.A.C.H.E.S. now plans to raise funds to purchase Mobi-Chairs and Mobi-Mats to enhance beach accessibility for persons with disabilities.
James Delleur, a licensed civil and traffic/transportation engineer, and Ken Tauer, an engineer and a paralyzed veteran, have been working with B.E.A.C.H.E.S. on ADA compliance projects, especially the additional new parking lot east of A1A. On March 16, Shirley Mason, Executive Director, addressed a ADA summary letter to the Miami-Dade County Commission on Disability Issues (CODI), including copies of related email discussions, for their help.
A Mobi-Mat isn't something you're likely to see at the majority of the entrances onto the beach. However, Mobi-mats are at the main entrance to the clothing-optional beach across from Lifeguard Stand #15 to help visitors traverse the sand onto the main beach. While B.E.A.C.H.E.S. is required by Miami-Dade County to rent mats for special events on the beach (no issue, aside perhaps from the rental fee), the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection isn't keen on mats extending into the water or further on to the sand. Why? We'd like to know too.
Mobi Chair donated by B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Special thanks to B.E.A.C.H.E.S. corporate and individual donors.
Wheelchair demonstrated by Karen and Mike Deming of Deming Designs, Inc.
Special thanks to Ronald Fulton for his generous donation towards the acquisition of this wheelchair.
B.E.A.C.H.E.S' Executive Director Shirley Mason presents beach wheelchair to Lt. Diaz of Ocean Rescue.